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So far Santa Monica Veterinary Group has created 19 blog entries.

Hot Days and Festive Nights: July Fourth and Heat Safety for Pets

As summer arrives and July Fourth celebrations approach, keeping your furry friend safe and comfortable is a priority. Warm weather, fireworks, parties, and barbecues pose unique challenges and dangers to cats and dogs. While summer is a beautiful time to enjoy nature with your pet, you must remain vigilant to these risks. Our Santa Monica [...]

Why You Should Enroll Your Pet in an Insurance Policy

Your pet is a cherished family member, offering unconditional love and support. Like other family members, your four-legged friend requires medical care to stay healthy. However, an often overlooked pet care aspect is insurance. While many pet owners might question an insurance policy’s necessity when their furry companion is healthy, accidents and illnesses do occur. [...]

Exploring Allergies in Pets: Signs, Causes, and Treatment

Has your pet been scratching excessively, sneezing, or experiencing skin irritations? These signs could be more than just a passing itch—they might indicate your pet has allergies. Cats and dogs can develop allergies to various substances and parasites in their environment. By learning to recognize your pets’ allergy signs before their condition becomes severe, you [...]

The Ultimate Guide to Flea Control for Pets: Pharmaceutical and Natural Options

Fleas are a universal nuisance, causing discomfort and health issues like allergies and tapeworms for your pet and frustration for pet owners. Fortunately, a plethora of flea control options ranging from pharmaceutical to natural remedies are available. To help you choose the ideal flea-prevention product for your pet, our Santa Monica Veterinary Group team covers [...]

Food is Medicine: Eastern Medicine Food Therapy for Your Dog

As a devoted dog owner, you continually seek ways to enhance your furry friend’s well-being. While conventional veterinary medicine offers valuable solutions, a world of ancient wisdom also exists that has been nurturing health for centuries—Eastern medicine. In this comprehensive guide, our Santa Monica Veterinary Group team delves into the realm of Eastern medicine food [...]

Rapid Response: Recognizing Urgent Care Conditions in Dogs

Dogs with injuries or ailments seldom complain, making it difficult for their families to identify early stage or subtle health issues, yet some medical problems require urgent treatment. Our Santa Monica Veterinary Group team outlines common canine conditions that require urgent care, and how you can identify these problems to ensure your pet receives prompt [...]

Beware the Bite: Preventing Heartworm Disease in Cats and Dogs

Mosquitoes may be tiny, but they transmit a significant threat to pets—heartworms. These parasitic worms can wreak massive, irreparable damage on your pet’s cardiovascular system and potentially prove fatal. Learn the ins and outs of heartworm disease to ensure your four-legged friend’s safety from this parasitic condition. The basics of heartworm disease in pets Heartworm [...]

Treatment Options for Cranial Cruciate Ligament Tears in Pets

A cranial cruciate ligament (CCL) tear is a common orthopedic injury in pets, particularly in dogs. Similar to a person’s anterior cruciate ligament (ACL), a pet’s CCL plays a crucial role in preventing the tibia (i.e., lower leg bone) from sliding forward to the femur (i.e., upper leg bone) and stabilizing the knee joint. When [...]

Brachycephalic Obstructive Airway Surgery for Pets

Smoosh-faced dogs and cats, brachycephalic breeds, are popular companions for many people because of their unique appearance and lovable nature. Pugs, bulldogs, boxers, Pekingese, Boston terriers, and Persian cats are a few beloved brachy breeds who often suffer from respiratory issues, such as brachycephalic obstructive airway syndrome (BOAS), because of their unusual facial anatomy. To [...]

Quicker Healing, Less Pain: Laser Surgery for Pets

In recent years, veterinary medicine advancements have brought about innovative techniques to enhance pets’ care and treatment. Surgical lasers, including carbon dioxide (CO2) lasers, are one such advancement. This cutting-edge technology replaces the scalpel and effectively treats several soft tissue conditions. Santa Monica Veterinary Group explains CO2 laser surgery for pets, describing its advantages and [...]

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